
I'm Maria, researcher and senior lecturer based in Malmö, Sweden.


Currently holding positions as the head of the research environment CCD (Communication, Culture, and Diversity, www.ju.se/ccd), as the programme director of the masters programme LeaDS (Learning, Digitalization, and Sustainability), and as senior lecturer of Comparative Literature at Jönköping University, I have a PhD in TechnoScience.

Areas of interest

- Fluctuating power

- Subversion

- Social sustainability

- Digitalisation

- Data ownership

- Data mining

- Higher education

- Teacher education

- Literature (post-colonial, migration, integration)

- Text analysis

- Critical discourse analysis

- (N)ethnography

My PhD thesis (Power Games: Rules and Roles in Second Life, 2011) focuses on power, hierarchies and roles in online role-play groups. My current research merges the fields of digitalisation, education, and social sustainability, as I study fluctuating power in real as well as fictional contexts.

I have worked in the field of English and in teacher education since 2003.


The Talking about Power vlog and pod

The new vlog/pod Talking about Power will open with a brand spanking new podcast series: "What about privilege?" For this I'm interviewing people in various contexts, occupations, and geographical locations and I'm basing all my interviews on two questions – what is privilege to you and how do you deal with privilege? — but the discussions may take us in many different directions.

A link to the pod can be found in the menu at the top of the page and the material will also be available on the blog (also in the above menu) and on Talking about Power on Facebook.